Do you ever hesitate to kiss a woman/person wearing make up? Why/why not?

  1. Only bc they’re wearing makeup? No. Hesitating to kiss someone that’s wearing makeup? Yeah

  2. If they’re all dolled up for a night put ill kiss their boobies instead of risking messing up their makeup

  3. Yeah. My wife’s normal everyday look is mascara and occasionally some lip gloss. And she’s an absolute stunner. But occasionally for special events and what not, she does the full glam look. Hair and makeup. I don’t want to mess that up after so much work. When she is like that, she Often just gives me the lightest peck on the lips – barely touching – to not mess up her lip stick

  4. Taffeta, darling.
    Taffeta, sweetheart.
    No, the dress is taffeta. It wrinkles so easily.

  5. I wanted to make out with Tammy Faye but she had too much makeup so she told me I could kiss her neck

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