How do you feel cared for by others?

  1. Heyy, I feel good about actions . I find it important to not just talk . For instance, if I had a fight with one of my family members and we would sit and talk about it and come to an agreement (promising to better themselves or not to do it again), that they really hold onto that agreement . That proves that they have respect and love for me as their sibling and as an individual . I feel that they actually care and think about me as I do about them ofc . Another thing is when I am sick and they come and ask me if I need anything or bring me tea or other small gestures that show that the person cares and has deep love for you . Ofc hearing from time to time that they missed me when I come home for being gone just for some hours and hearing that they love me is when I feel cared for too . What about you ?

  2. They randomly call or text me to see how I am doing or update on my life, especially friends and family members I haven’t spoken in months. Also, receiving birthday and thinking about you cards.

  3. When my husband helps me with something without being asked. Or when he surprises me with something well-planned or something with a lot of thought behind it, it could be a gift or an action or just “I put leftovers in tupperware in the fridge so you’ll have lunch tomorrow”

    Another time when I visited a friend and her boyfriend in another city, my mental health was not very good as I had recently lost my grandmother and was almost burnt out at work. We were out for dinner at one place where you order food in an app and then fetch it by the counter and my friend’s boyfriend told me to sit down and he would fetch my food for me.This sweet gesture really got to my heart as it was so unexpected and just made by kindness.

  4. Them checking in on me. Actually listening and asking follow up questions when I’m down. Wanting to spend time with me. Give me genuine compliments. Offer to help in practical ways like “I could do that for you”, not just “let me know if I can do something” – I tend to decline but it’s the fact that they want to. Stand up for me. Get excited about things I’m excited about… And confide in me and let me be there and do things for them.

  5. When they check in with me by asking how I’m feeling or how I’m doing and let me know they’re there for me if I ever need to talk or just simply want to sit in silence with me if that’s what I need. When they want to just be in my presence, that makes me feel cared for.

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