My best friend (M16) and I (f15) kissed not to long ago, and we always talk about it, and make jokes. recently the past few days we’ve been talking about being horny. What we think about, when it happens, etc. We’ve also talked about wanting something intimate, like groping and under the clothes stuff. I kind of like it..but I feel like it’ll make things weird between us if I tell him that. I have no clue what to do

  1. I think there is no harm in you communicating to him your thoughts and feelings and seeing what he says.

    But before you have the conversation, make sure you aren’t attached to one outcome of the conversation and are instead prepared for both outcomes. As in, be prepared for the friendship to turn into a sexual relationship if he feels the same way (be aware of how to protect yourself from pregnancy and how to have sex in a way that is safe and feels good for the both of you, and be on the same page as each other in terms of relationship expectations). And be prepared to lose his friendship if he doesn’t feel the same way, or if you do develop a sexual relationship but it ends.

    I would also recommend talking with an older person that you trust about this, too, and not just strangers on the internet.

    I wish you both the best of luck!!

  2. > have no clue what to do

    If you think sex is remotely in play, please look into birth control, stat.

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