Just banged my head going up the double decker as i was midway up the stairs and the driver started driving off.

Last week, it was my knee whilst I was still coming downstairs at my stop.

It bloody hurts.

  1. They are on a schedule and waiting for every slowpoke means people get to whine about late busses.

    The whole bus is full of railings, hold on to something ALL THE TIME

  2. Because bus and train drivers are on strict schedules.

    If one gets delayed it has a knock on effect.

    Not saying that excuses them driving like maniacs, but they’re not obligated to wait around either.

  3. Around where I am, they do actually wait, but I think that’s because they got sued a few times for injuring people one too many times.

    Older rural population = not the most mobile lot.

    On urban routes probably less likely to happen.

  4. Hahah had a woman driver do that to me once. Walking to my seat and she set off, sharply. I stumbled, grabbed the first thing to hand, which just happened to be the handrail with the stop button.

    She threatened to kick us off if we carried on messing about with the button. Tried to have a go at us when we got off. So I told her how about I report you for setting off while customers with compromised mobility (twisted knee, obvious limp lol) are still on their feet haha

  5. Because they take so damn long to get anywhere already, without waiting for you to get up the stairs first 😉

  6. Sit downstairs. Have you any idea how late buses would be if they waited for people to get to their seats everytime

  7. It takes too long. Going up/down stairs on a double decker is one of the few excitements left to us on public transport. Please don’t make them take it away:

    * Jumping on/off routemasters as they’re going: banned
    * Leaning out of train windows to open the door as it approaches the station: banned
    * Chatting to the pilot when you’re a kid on an airplane: banned (I think)

    If you can’t handle the stairs stay on the lower deck.

  8. The buses have hand rails everywhere and for those with mobility issues there are seats literally a few steps from the doors so they have less distance to walk. They are designed to be safe for people tp stand up and move around while they are in motion. If not there would be signs everywhere saying not to move around while the bus is moving.

  9. They maybe on strict schedules but they should have some humanity and let the oldies sit down before they slam on the accelerator – especially if they have a walking aid.

    In my experience, bus drivers sure have a chip on their shoulders these days.

  10. Some bus drivers can be arseholes, especially ones who don’t wait for the elderly to sit down .

  11. Because they assume you’re a functioning adult with at least one brain cell that knows how to hold a handrail and walk up some stairs

    What do you think the driver should do? Shout up to the second floor to make sure you made the journey okay without p*ssing yourself?

  12. When I had broken my arm I asked the bus drivers not to set off before I had sat down and they waited for me to sit. Simple!

  13. If they waited an extra minute at each stop for someone to get upstairs without incident, those minutes add up & soon enough they’re running 15-20 minutes late by the end of their route.

    If you’re on that route which was constantly late you’d have a completely different complaint.

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