I’m talking about housing complexes, stadiums, arenas, shopping malls, theme parks, bridges, factories, offices, hotels, schools or colleges/universities, etc.

What was a planned or started building project that was never finished, finished vastly over budget or finished incorrectly to the point of being abandoned or demolished?

  1. I can think of two of them:

    Hospital Rázsochy – construction started in 1987, but was halted few years later due to lack of funding. Only the skeleton of the building remained, and demolition started in 2019. It’s a shame, it was supposed to be the biggest and most advanced hospital in the country, and lot of money was put into it, and went to waste.

    Bratislava metro – started in 1988, but halted in 1990 due to lack of funding. Only the skeleton of metro depot and empty corridor through Petržalka district were build, but this is something that I miss the most, because metro would totally help traffic in the city. Luckily, there is a tram line under construction that will be finished maybe in a year, and will copy the original route of the first proposed metro line.

  2. I’d say the Berlin BER airport? I sorta “failed completely” at some point as it ran for so long they had to shelve the old plans and make new official ones according to changed regulation.

  3. Either the north south Amsterdam metro line, way over budget and took like 10 years longer than planned.
    Or lelystad airport, a completely finnished airport but airplanes aren’t allowed to take flight from there because of noise polution and flight paths. Dont think a si gle plane has taken off from there yet.

  4. It’s been called a failure due too delays and construction costs but a national children’s hospital in Dublin.

    Originally with a budget of 800million in 2014 is was to be built by August of 2022.

    Estimated budget and completion date as of now is 1.4 billion and mid 2024 but due to legal claims the expected cost is not going to be known for years after final completion.

  5. The New Karolinska Solna University Hospital.

    A colossal failure. The project costing around €6 billion, making it one of the most expensive building projects in the world. For a [brick-shaped standard hospital building](https://www.skanska.se/globalassets/externalcontent2/project/nya-karolinska-solna-stockholm2/fb2e3899-2b7c-46d8-9fc1-d8ea5731d3eb.1.jpg?height=524&width=932&scale=both&mode=crop&bgcolor=f3f3f3). Poor planning, poor execution and probably corruption.


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