i guess the obvious reason i would forget certain details is because i wasn’t actually that interested in them in the first place? but that’s not how i feel. and it’s hard to explain that to people. for instance i’ve been talking to this girl who’s a senior in college, and i said something that made it clear that i forgot she was going to med school after. she told me i was fake and i just felt a huge wash of shame and guilt. then she asked me her favorite color and i didn’t know. then she told me mine and a couple of other random details including things i barely even remember saying. i just felt a pit in my stomach because this has happened before and i feel more horrible about it than ever because im actually being called out on it. i don’t think i could successfully explain to her that i was truly interested and i think she’s gonna just think im putting on a facade during conversation. is it more likely that deep down im really not that interested in these details and am subconsciously putting on a show? part of me feels like i just have bad memory because i forget a lot of things. should i write these things down in a journal or is that too weird? or is it “fake” of me to even actively try to remember these things just to seem more interested? am i overthinking? i feel so stupid this keeps happening.

  1. Feel like you’re overthinking this one a bit to much. Just laugh it off next time brother lol

  2. I usually say, “ oh hey my memory is not the best, remind me again about xyz.” It shows you do care but just struggle with remembering. People respond well to it

  3. I cant remember shit, close to nothing. Also Im faceblind that means if I see you outside your habitat which can work and we are not friends for me than 5 years. I wont recongnize you.

    If I dont see my gf for more than 1 month I already remember her slighty different.

    My gf is testing me constantly and I dont remember anything. My friends tell me often stories about me and I dont remember nothing and I was even sober.

    All in all Im doing fine.

    So dont stress

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