If so, what do you do when there’s too many pent up feelings and thoughts that want to get out but there’s no way.

Please do not answer the generic find a hobby, exercise, etc. Think of this as you have all the rest going on but there are times where you dont have an option and just have to live through this.

  1. usually, if you lose respect after opening up, it’s because you threw too much out at once and started to sound like a hot mess of anxiety, which can make people uncomfortable

    it’s best to focus on journaling or poetry or some other art form to learn how to express yourself alone, which can free up some of the wilder emotions and make room for something softer and more palatable to another human being

  2. Every damn time I open up, & make myelf vulnerable, it backfires, guess I’ll just go back to be quiet & cold.
    Humans Suck

  3. If I’m thinking too much I just add more weight and go full-on try hard for AMRAPS.

  4. Thinking outside the box is what got me here. Now I have to think outside a 5th dimensional complex decahedron.

  5. If I lose respect for myself, then I’ve dumped too much on them too soon.

    If I lose respect for them, it’s because they either reacted badly to my opening up.

  6. Ive done it twice and Im not doing it a damn third time. I learnt from the last 2.

  7. Well I stopped doing it for starters. And now I keep people out. No one seems to be worth letting in past that barrier so they can stay out there.

    I’d you’re looking for recommendations, try talking to the people you opened up to.

  8. There’s been very few women in my life that haven’t made me feel like shit for struggling. One of them was the woman who was grooming me at 15/16 (how fucked up is that?)

    People pretend they want to hear about your shit, and when you let em know, they back way off. YOU WANTED TO KNOW WHY I’M FUCKED UP. DONT FUCK OFF AND FUCK ME UP MORE.

    Go find a bro who cares about you. It felt fucking weird for me the first couple times, but ultimately, another man will understand you and your struggles

  9. I’m completely honest about my feelings now. I just say what I’m thinking and how I’m feeling.

    I’m too old to care and I’m confident in myself.

    Im trying to make fighting for a living work and I’m built like a roided out refrigerator. Since turning 30 a lot of women seem to really like that I can express my feelings with confidence and openly but being muscular buys you good faith in any Interaction

  10. Only when you stop comparing yourself to others can you begin to work through this. I was the same way, I thought I had problems that no one else had, no one could possibly understand what I was going through. I compared myself to everyone else and always came out in second place. I hated myself and just assumed because I thought I was terrible everyone else did too. So I treated others like they hated me already. I didn’t understand that everyone goes through much the same thing and my problems weren’t unique. I wasted a lot of years figuring this out

  11. There’s a difference between opening up and being truly vulnerable vs. emotionally dumping your baggage on someone as if they’re your therapist. A good partner or friend will be able to listen to your feelings and truly hear what you’re saying, even if there’s no real solution to be had at the moment. However, nobody, no matter how understanding or empathetic, will want to be dragged into someone else’s vortex of unresolved issues that clearly haven’t been worked on enough internally first.

  12. I did a lot of mentally unhealthy things to subdue the feelings. I lied to myself and pretended that I was fine.

    Once I started opening up I couldn’t manage the same level of stolidity. I wouldn’t say that I lost respect from anyone but I still try to keep things as private as possible.

    The things I do to keep my head on straight include hiking, therapy, journaling, and telling some of it to my wife. A more recent tactic is to use music or podcasts to drown out the thoughts I don’t want to have right now.

    I am in the process of trying to convince myself that noone else cares and that they are more concerned with their own lives. If I’m not on point, probably noone would notice. Good luck in the fight.

  13. When you wake up everything’s gonna be fine. Guarantee that you wake in a better place, in a better time

  14. Never under any circumstances “open up” with a woman. They pretty much always lose respect for you. It sucks but that’s the way things are. Your best bet is to see a therapist for this. I recommend looking up Rollo Tomassi for better insight on intersexual dynamics like this.

  15. I definitely don’t advise opening up to women. I have some male friends who’ve been through real s**t and they understand that even men need an outlet sometimes. I go and talk to them. Those men tend to be a bit older or have life experience that make up for their young age.

    Good luck OP.

    Edit: some have said therapy, 100% agree. Those are the only women I’d open up to lol.

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