I.E. Molding dishes in the sinks, no furniture, his “bed”, roommates, etc.

  1. One of my exes was very messy. The first time we went to his place, it was super messy, he wanted to show me his virtual reality gaming set but I didn’t want to step into his apartment. It was just a mess everywhere. So that day, we left and just walked around outside until I decided to go home. That weekend, he took videos of himself tidying up his entire apartment, it became spotless, and he bought a new couch for his living room as well. However, he told me in the beginning that he had depression. We broke up due to other reasons.

  2. There was this guy… I went into the kitchen and there was this god-awful smell. I just avoided the area entirely because there was hardly any counter space due to the clutter. He went in once to get a soda, and it hit me. The fridge. It was deplorable. I asked him when he last cleaned it, and he anxiously told me he’d never cleaned it OUT (yes like the food itself) in the 2 years he lived there. I wanted to help him so badly, I could tell the filth wore on him and it was all from his mental health struggles. I still think about him and hope he’s okay🥺🥺

  3. After our first date I told him I wanted to go home so he said I just need to get my car keys and I’ll drive you home. So I went in with him, then he was like take your coat off and I was like no I want to go home I’m exhausted so he grabbed my arm and dragged me to his bedroom and threw me on the bed. I ran out and he came after me, luckily there was a cab driving by and it instantly pulled over and I got in. Scary moment, not the scariest sadly.

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