What non-personal thing do you know that you believe most people don’t know?

  1. If you smoothed out all the wrinkles, your brain would look flat like a pillow case.

  2. Just how vulnerable everyone really is. How easily bullied people are and just how quickly and quietly they’ll fall into line. How forgetful people are. How arbitrary this culture and its morals are. How few people ever actually accomplish anything more significant than following orders and breeding another generation.

    And my best and most controversial, that the value of money is literally imaginary, so the pursuit and hoarding of money ultimately just neuters the greedy and protects the population from them. Imagine if instead of cash, stock, and bonds, they hoarded true value: food, shelter, land, not a couple mansions but genuinely as many homes as they could afford? We’d be fucked. Thank god for money, and the dumb fucks that value it.

  3. I can drive a standard transmission, so I know what that 3rd pedal is, and what it does. – most do not.

  4. The human eye dilates when interested or aroused and we pick up on that subconsciously. The eye also dilates in low light to let more light in. This is why bars and restaurants often have dim lighting. Your eyes react to the dim light. But your date will perceive that as arousal. Hence the term “mood lighting.”

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