This girl I’m interested in, but I haven’t really had the opportunity to talk to her because I rarely really see her and I’m unsure and scared to approach her, we used to have one college class but not anymore. I’ve only had very little interactions with her.

The first was when I was in my car getting ready to leave, and I was on my phone looking at videos because they little road way where I pull out at had some stop and go traffic so I had to wait. So happened to look up and saw her head turned towards me and she had a serious look on her face and i quickly looked back down at my phone and she drove off when traffic cleared.

Their was a time when I was entering the cafe when she was leaving and as soon as I stepped into her line of sight, she smiled and looked down and not to sound creepy but because I was caught off guard I stared at her, she never made eye contact but still smiled while looking down. I waited until she opened the door before going in, and she slowly walked passed me and held the door open as she was exiting, and she definitely could’ve taken a quicker way out.

This recent one was again in the parking lot and samething, I’m waiting to pull out of my parking spot to leave, and I’m watching cars go by and staring at the building, and out of my peripheral I see her face turn towards me so I look up at her as shes driving past and the eye contact lingered for a few seconds I’m not sure how long but definitely not a quick glance. She had a more gentler expression on her face this time, almost like curious anticipation type of look, and I was confused and not really alert so I didn’t really do anything but stare back, she looked back at the road and I saw that she sighed when she looked back at the road. Did I mess up?

If she hypothetically was showing interest before, did I screw up by not waving or smiling at her ? I wasn’t trying to be rude or anything of course I just didn’t expect it and was a little confused and she didn’t smile or wave either and just held eye contact for 4 seconds. Yesterday when she passed me in the parking lot she didn’t make eye contact. Does she think I’m not interested? Is it too late?

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