I just read about an American newsreader who had an affair with her co host and they have both now left their families to be with each other.
I am curious, do affairs ever work out?
I have never cheated on anyone in my life, and I would not give a cheater a second chance either.
When people have affairs but they don’t seem miserable with their husband/wife, I guess its because they find the sexual or emotional connection with the new man/woman stronger?
But I wonder did they at some point have just as strong connection to their husband/wife and they have forgotten?
Instead of trying to regain it……they go for someone else?

Have you ever been in such a situation?

  1. I’m not a cheater so even if I felt totally in love with someone other than my partner, I wouldn’t act on it.

    Maybe I’d pursue separation or divorce if things got really bad, but I’m a firm believer in that you create love with effort, not just experience it with the right person. So I’m never gonna be quick to end a relationship unless it is urgent.

  2. Men and women aren’t friends. I don’t believe in that so it wouldn’t happen because I wouldn’t allow the friendship to take root.

  3. In my life, I have seen some affairs work out, some end badly, and everything in between. Just like any relationship, it depends on the specifics.

  4. Beginning a relationship on the basis of lying and cheating is a really shitty way to start a relationship. What does that say about the person you’re cheating with and yourself?

    I think there are rare occasions where someone in a bad relationship meets the love of their life and leaves the bad relationship to be with but more often I think that these affairs are running off of adrenaline.

    Much like a junky who doesn’t get their fix, when the rush of cheating wears off and there’s no longer any other parties involved but you and your new partner, the rush starts to die down and typically so does the affair.

  5. You never really know how compatible you are with someone until you go through all of the stages of dating. I know that some people carry on multiple relationships at a time, but I think for the average person, it would be difficult to date someone enough completely determine compatibility while also being in a serious relationship with someone else.

    Considering that most relationships fail, I’d imagine a tiny portion of affairs turn into anything long term.

  6. There’s a lot of explanations for this type of unethical behaviour so here it goes. When most people are in a long term relationship they lose that spark they once had when they were chasing each other. The honeymoon phase dies and you have to find new ways to reinvent the wheel. The other thing, ‘til’ death do us apart’ is very much a custom of Catholic tradition and sometimes, relationships run their course even in marriage. As for having an affair, there is no winning in this situation, both as an individual in your private life and in the eyes of the court should a divorce proceeding happen. There is quote that goes ‘the devil doesn’t appear in the form of a horn and a cape but in everything you desire.’

  7. If they are willing to cheat with you, generally eventually they will cheat on you.

    In the largest of situations relationships from affairs generally crash and burn. Yes you see the odd relationship that is the exception. But it will s very rare.

    Edit fixing autocorrect. Once again

  8. Worked great for my aunt and her husband. They’ve been married for 20+ years.

    I don’t believe there’s a moral issue with leaving a significant other for some else, as long as you actually leave prior to getting with the new person.

    I wouldn’t want someone to stay with me solely out of obligation.

  9. Of course this is possible, and perfectly fair.

    It’s perfectly fair to end relationships over this. Just do it right.

  10. Nothing, after all I dedicated myself to a person with all my heart, it’s all a matter of talking and being mature that you will always be in the best relationship.

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