I (22M) would like to finally start dating. I’ve never had any experience with women/girls at all. This has been bothering me for the last 2-3 years. I was caught up with other things. Apart from that, I’ve never been confident about dating. But I’m getting older and it’s scaring me. I’d really like to know what I should do. I’m an average looking guy in college (not in the US), nothing special. Most of my time is spent on college stuff. Don’t have any real hobbies but have no problems killing time when I have it. I don’t have any friends either, only acquaintances. Not having friends doesn’t affect me directly because I’ve always enjoyed spending time on my own. But it does bother me that people’s perception of me will be negative.

So, I’d really like to know what I should do. Do I just download an app or meet people somewhere right away? I’m not attractive so do I hit the gym for 6 months to a year first? Do I wait till I have a career and make money? I wasted a lot of time when I was 18-21 when I probably should have worked on myself. I’m really lost and mostly very scared that my life is passing me by. I’d really like to know what I should do first or how I should prepare. Thank you.

1 comment
  1. Breathe. You’re still young. 22 is still a baby and you have your whole life ahead of you. First off confidence is key, women do not like men that come off as desperate or insecure. The gym may by a good idea, its a good way to make yourself look better AND feel better. That will go along way with girls as well. Not to mention you might even meet one there or at least start to form some familiar relationships with them and maybe you bump into them out one night and boom you’re chatting about the gym and breaking the ice. Tinder and other dating apps like it are an option. However, don’t invest to much of yourself or time into it. If you do go down this road then big tip don’t just open up conversations with “hey” or “whats up” its boring and not creative or attention grabbing. Think how many messages some of these girls get, make yourself stand out. I usually start with a joke, like “i have the exact same dress at home, but you wear it much better”. I break the ice with a joke and compliment her. Keeping trying my man and don’t get discouraged and don’t be so hard on yourself! Everyones life is different and there is someone out there for everyone. Im no dating expert but im in my late twenties and I think ive seen enough to try and help. Good luck and keep your chin up playa!

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