I can almost never orgasm when I have sex. I’ve been with my girlfriend for 4 months, and while the sex is amazing I’m just never able to finish. I have no problem getting her off, but it’s starting to affect our relationship. She says that sometimes she feels like I don’t love her or find her attractive because I can’t finish. It’s gotten to the point where we have sex for over an hour and we end up having to stop because either I lose my erection or we’ve been going so long that it gets uncomfortable with her. I’ve tried just about everything I can think of to fix this, but nothing is seeming to work. What can I do to get past this?

  1. I gather you stay erect, yet you can not ejaculate? Many times it is a mental thing, based on many factors from porn to over thinking the whole process. I suggest you try to find something to allow you to relax and get past the point of no return.

  2. Do you have death grip from wanking? Also note your dick gets desensitised the longer you fuck. So try going slow for a bit, just using your tip to stay hard, then when hour dick has had a few minutes to get sensitive again, find your pleasure spot and rhythm and go for it. Ahe can also help by using fingers on you shat or gently carressing your ball or rubbing your anus.

  3. Have you had a different experience is the past? With previous sexual partners? Can you finish when you masturbate?

    It could be a medication. A lot of drugs, antidepressants in particular, can affect your orgasms.

  4. For me as a man who also doesn’t cum from sex itself, only by hand myself as my spot to cum doesn’t get any feeling on during sex…luckily all the women I had sex with understood that, supported me, teased me, stripped, lied by my sied, etc…

    that can be hot for the women too, teasing you while you do it yourself, having in mind you think only about her, but yes, those men exist too and no shame is deserved or head break…

  5. I also have the same issue, I just can’t ejaculate. I actually found that in my case, it’s all about the thoughts going on in my head. My wife and I have been married 31 yrs, but relationship issues from years ago still haunt me and I have trouble when I let my mind run wild. We can have sessions that run over 2-3 hrs just for the sake of me finishing and it gets exhausting. It’s strange that I will finish if I masturbate. So we started doing other acts, such as she will get on top and I will squirt all over her ass, or I’ll ejaculate on her breasts, which she happens to like as well. When I’m well in my mind, I will finish normally, still takes around an hour, but at least we are both happy.

  6. If you’re on anti depressants, difficulty having an orgasm can be a side effect. I was on them in my mid 20s, no side effects. Went back on them in my mid 30s, and had that issue. Might apply to your case, might not, but just in case, there ya go.

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