Hi all,

27M skinny fat. I had an accident last year which kinda affected my glutes and shoulder pretty badly, I’m definitely better now but still have pain sometimes when I sit for longer or do any strenuous activities that involves those muscles.

I’m thinking of staying away from lifting for a while because I’m afraid of injuring things again. I can’t even do push-ups much due to the pain so looking for something more easier.

However I’ve been inactive for nearly an year and getting in a more horrible shape and a weaker body. I’m thinking of continuing physio and stretches to recover from the pain while also having some form of physical activity which will keep me fit

I’m thinking cycling or swimming is the best option for now. Feel free to suggest.


  1. Have you had physical therapy? I do think no matter what you decide to do you will have to deal with some pain if you want to get better

  2. Go see a physical therapist and get your body right.

    You don’t want to play with injuries in the gym.

    I’ve torn a bunch of muscles and broken a lot of shit. I’m still in the gym getting stronger because I went to the doctor, and followed what they said.

    They also have sports therapist as well that might work as well if you’re trying to workout.

  3. Swimming may not be the best choice if you have shoulder problems. While it is a low impact exercise it does use the shoulder muscles a lot and especially if you are new to it you’ll likely be inefficient and put more strain on them. If you do plan to give it a try start easy and if you’re new to swimming consider working with a coach or other instructor to help you develop proper technique.

    Cycling is also low impact though you’ll definitely want to make sure you have a proper fit on your bike since certain positions on the bike can be hard on the back, shoulders, and neck. Since you mentioned not being able to sit for long it could be problematic as well though a cycling saddle is different than a chair.

    I agree with what others have said. See a physical therapist and get some help correcting the underlying problem. They can also recommend some low impact exercises that you could do without making things worse. Good luck!

  4. It’s hard to say. Check out the “articulations” section of exrx.com and find out which hurt and which don’t. Choose exercises that use articulations that don’t hurt, and see if you can very gently load ones that do and slowly increase the weight as a form of rehab.

  5. If it’s been a year I would think you’re healed enough to start pushing yourself, but you really need to be talking to a doctor and a physical therapist. Avoiding the muscles is not going to help you at all.

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