I’m talking with this girl on tinder for couple days now but on her profile it says she’s polyamorous and we organised to go on a date together
What should I do?Should I keep going and if the date is successful should I continue or terminate it?

  1. How do I say this… your dick is not so magical that she is going to pack up and leave the poly lifestyle behind. If you go into a date hoping that she will change into what you wish she was (monogamous), it’s just going to end in tears. Respect her and her choices – if you don’t want to be in a poly situation, don’t start dating her.

  2. If you’re looking for a serious relationship and want to build a future with someone. Polyamorous people are not the one you’ll want to date.

  3. Monogamous and poly people don’t mix well. You’re not going to turn her to monogamy. She may already have other partners.

  4. Depends on if you want a polyamorous girlfriend… If not, I don’t see what you’re trying to do. You’re not going to change her sexual preference.

  5. Are you okay with tasting some other dude’s pecker when you kiss her? Else, move on.

  6. If you’re white then “poly wants a cracker” nirvana song is about you…

    I’ll take my downvotes off the air

  7. I’ve seen polyamory end for the “right person” a lot.

    Too many comments saying “she won’t change” but no one here knows her or her situation.

    Try to date her. If she sticks to polyamory, then move on.

    (DISCLAIMER: Do not ACTIVELY try to change her – be passive about it. Show her how awesome you are. She might have tried polyamory for all the wrong reasons)

    But shit, go on the date and at least try. Worst case you might get a fuckbuddy out of it which can help you with any lonely feelings while you’re working on yourself.

  8. Here’s my experience knowing someone that is monogamous who is in a relationship with someone that is openly polyamorous – this man (mono) is in love with his gf (poly), they work together. She recently got married, then brought her husband to a work party and introduced him to everyone as such (everyone knows about her relationship with our coworker). She didn’t talk to her bf that night and the bf was super salty (he was hoping she would become monogamous). Anyways, they’re still together but I know he feels some type of way about it.

  9. I’m dating someone poly and I’d like to say the person I’m seeing is far from anything I’ve read in this thread. We’ve discussed several topics like commitment and how someone who IS poly could be in a committed monogamous relationship. Once again, each case is different and I KNEW what I was getting myself into PRIOR to dating her but once again everyone is different.

  10. You can still go on the date, it’s just one date it doesn’t necessarily mean it’s going to lead to anything. I would just keep in mind going on the date that she might not be the best person to solely focus on given you want something monogamous in the long run and continue to get to know other people.

  11. As someone who lives in a polyamorous relationship… if you’re mono then terminate it. She will not stop being poly for you and she likely already has other partners. You are wasting your time and hers too

  12. Look, you can learn a lot of about yourself from dating poly. In addition, the mental and emotional work you put in makes you a better partner in the future.

  13. I mean date her if you want but keep seeing others. That’s not going to go anywhere relevant to you since you want a serious relationship.

  14. I’ve watched countless friends through the years have polyamorous relationships, and it just always seems to end in being a hot mess. Somehow there is still preferential treatment towards certain partners and people seem to string together several dysfunctional relationships instead of one healthy one. When I was younger I was one of those people that would try anything and everything once. I had some casual hookups with some polyamorous people but nothing long term. Don’t expect her to change for you and don’t let her pressure you into anything you are not comfortable doing.

  15. If you’re into poly relationships then go for it, if you’re looking for something serious and are not interested in sharing your significant other, then a poly relationship isn’t for you.

  16. I dated a woman woh was polyamorous for awhile. She told me after we had been hanging out for a few months. I have always been monogamous. She asked me to be in a poly relationship. Mostly she wanted to date other women together and also seperately. I read a few books and decided it wasn’t for me. You have to figure out what is best for you. But it sounds like you want a monogamous relationship.

  17. how is someone supposed to answer this for you lol? it’s literally this simple: do you wanna date someone poly or not?

  18. No offense, but I’m not sure what you’re expecting us to tell you. Do you not know what polyamorous is? She wants multiple partners. You don’t. There. Is. Absolutely. Nothing. To. Discuss.

    You’re not going to get her agree to a monogamous relationship. That is NEVER going to happen. If you just want a hookup fine, but you said you want a serious relationship. Personally, I think you are a total fool should you decide to go on a date with her.

  19. terminate it, don’t fuck with it! Seriously speaking from experience recently with a poly girl I fell in love with… Don’t play around with that fire.

  20. If you are polyamorous, seems like you should go for it and if you’re not polyamorous then you should not.

    You aren’t going to change her sexuality

  21. r/dating is not the place for this type of advice. r/polyamory is. You’re going to get a lot of bad, misinformed, and prejudiced advice. r/polyamory is swift to advise against if it seems like a bad situation and will be a much more informative environment.

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