I’m curious. What are some of the downsides of your spouse that you didn’t know about before marriage?

  1. Not a single thing. We dated, lived together, shared finances, had kids together, bought a home together all before getting married. We liked the no surprises approach to marriage.

  2. How this man needs 9 hours of sleep minimum to function. Lol I can run on 5 hours no problem but God for bid he gets the standard 7-8.

  3. He got lazy after I married him. He’s working on it though (or so I keep telling myself)

  4. My hubby presented himself so strong. Those big muscles and stories of how he accomplished everything in life.

    But man, if a bad feeling comes or a sore throat, he needs to be waited on hands and feet! Get out the ice cream. Cancel all plans. Listen to the griping!! Lol.

    So he’s physically strong!!

  5. She doesn’t take her multivitamins, doesn’t wear socks in winters. For a decade i have been giving it to her.
    She is incorrigible.

    (Want god to bless me this hard work for 10 more decades at least )

  6. Nothing. She is exactly the woman I thought she was. Both of us believe in being yourself while dating and not some ‘being on your best behavior’ stuff. Acting like someone you’re not only harms in the long run.

  7. When we married, we established a family iTunes sharing plan through apple. I had no idea how much of his music collection was disco. So much disco. I still haven’t recovered.

  8. He’s an amazing cook.. or rather a few years after marriag he developed a love for cooking and now he’s such a pro. He’s a perfectionist though and follows recipes to the t. He gets really upset when anything goes wrong. He’s a really bad singer though. I guess I never heard him sing before marriage and one day I heard it and was appalled because I sing really well. Lol 😂

  9. Lack of ability to grow sexually. As far as I’ve been told I meet all her needs and wants everything I ask about her needs and wants so I’m not sure what I am doing to impede her in this.

  10. She doesn’t screw caps onto anything. I’ve learned to always check before shaking a bottle of ketchup or salad dressing. And I quietly tighten things all the time. We have his and hers toothpaste tubes for the same reason–dried toothpaste grosses me out.

  11. His family is a bunch of whackos that lie and manipulate. They were great when we were dating, then like we got married they all did a 180. My spouse is nothing like his family, I swear he’s adopted.

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