my (f18) boyfriend (m18) of a year and a half is being distant a little rude. i ask him if he’s alright and he says that he isn’t. when i ask him if he wants to talk about it he quickly changes the topic and says he doesn’t want to talk about it. i always keep reminding him that he should talk about things whenever he wants. i made sure to twll him this, after he once told me that he doesnt feel like he can talk about his problems because there is always something going on with me (i have a lot of disturbance in my house due to my family).
our families do not know we are dating and this makes it difficult to meet. but we still find a way around it and make sure to meet a few times in a month.
he wont tell me anything about what is up with him but he still acts relatively cold. this makes me keep overthinking things and wondering if I’ve done something and if he wants to break up.
i really have no clue what to do now…?

tldr; bf wont speak me to about his problems and this makes me overthink.

  1. If he can’t trust you and communicate with you, i don’t think this relationship will work for much longer…

  2. Communication is key to any relationship, friendship or otherwise. If he cannot tell you things that should tell you a lot. Do not settle in a relationship but from experience, he is acting like a guy who cheated. However, with only seeing each other a couple of times a month, are you really in a committed relationship? This may not be a long distance relationship but it reads like one. Maybe the length of time between seeing you is what is bothering him. Either way, if he respects you he would talk to you

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