What would you say if you get a chance to spread body positivity among today’s generation?

  1. No thanks. I’m just trying to exist, I don’t want to be any kind of ambassador or anything.

  2. You don’t owe the world prettiness or sexiness, your value is so much more than what you look like. Focus on exploring your passions and learning as much as you can.

  3. Your body is here on this planet to DO THINGS. It’s not here to just look pretty.

    Your life is precious and far shorter than you think when you are young, so get up and DO as much as you possibly can. Wear that body out doing things that make you happy. Stop giving a single fuck about being someone else’s ornament.

  4. I would honestly just tell people to listen to the podcast Maintenance Phase, it has been one of the biggest influences on my beliefs and ethics around bodies and wellness

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