Folks, I’m getting married to a pretty girl next month .

Can I share everything I’m going through to her? I want to know if there are any boundaries between married couples?

If yes, what kind of boundaries?

  1. You should discuss with her about boundaries. She might have some input about what to keep private and what not to.

  2. How well do you know her now? What’s your relationship like with boundaries? What are your expectations and/or cultural norms about what will change with marriage?

    There are still boundaries in marriage, the specifics depend on the individuals but we all have the right to set standards for how we’re treated. Very little changed in that way when I got married but we’d been dating for 7 years and living together for over a year by then. Obviously this could be very different if you’re talking about an arranged marriage.

  3. Please reply with what’s up. Not sure I’m have all the advice you need, but you never know.

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