Like the title says I got a job as a tutor for high school students (I am in college). I really don’t wanna do it, I am having my first session this week and I’m stressed. The subject I was assigned to isn’t even the subject (one of the hardest subjects that exists in HS where I live) I feel that comfortable with and in general I’m not that friendly or social. Besides after spending the whole day on my own hw, I don’t feel like spending my freetime on someone else’s hw. Ik I get paid but I feel like I shoulda applied to mcdonalds or something similar. It all happened so fast that I didn’t have time to think thru it before now. I hate my I hate myself for doing this to myself. I’m really thinking of just quiting after the first session. What should I do?

  1. Give it one session to see if it’s actually as bad as you think it’ll be, and decide to stay or go with that experience

  2. You can’t know how it’s going to go until it happens. Give it a chance and maybe it will turn out better than you expect.

    Also, everyone totally lies on their resume, or at least in their interview to some extent

  3. So why are you coming on here to complain you have two options show up and do the job you applied for or quit nobody is forcing you to do jack you signed up for something which involves a lot of one on one interaction do yourself and the kids a favour and quit if you don’t want to be a good tutor for them

  4. Unfortunately, work is….. work. Which is why people pay you to do it. So work can feel like a slog, but it’ll be worth it (hopefully) when you get paid. You can take that money and put it towards your savings or whatever future goals you have.

    Maybe there are better ways you can take care of some of your needs when you’re doing homework and before you go tutor: are you eating enough? Taking breaks, getting water? Taking walks? If you can prepare yourself for your tutoring by making sure you’re well fed, not thirsty, and had a least a little bit of a break, then maybe it might not be so bad

    Also, social jobs look GREAT on future resumes. Hang in there, give it a few weeks and you’ll get used to it in no time. If you can do it well and your teachers give you a reference later, it can really help you in the future

  5. Think of how this sounds. You would rather work at McDonald’s than a high school. Lol. Theirs nothing wrong with working at McDonald’s but that’s like a down grade.

  6. McDonald’s is pretty social too dude. You’ve got to socialise with customers, who can range from being very nice to nasty assholes. You’ve got to socialise with coworkers who you may or may not be friends with, and you’ve got to socialise with managers who may cause you some stress too. The first day of work is always nerve-wracking. You’d likely be feeling this anxiety if your job was somewhere else too. See how the first day goes. You might enjoy it more, or at least dislike is less, than you think!

    You said you want to be a good tutor. The role of a good tutor is to (1) understand the subject they are teaching and (2) be able to teach that subject effectively. If you’re lacking one of those skills (the knowledge and understanding of that subject) you’re gonna have to do some learning of your own. Spend some more time learning about the subject so you can get comfortable.

    The fact that you’re not an expect shouldn’t discourage you. You have to learn something at every job. At McDonald’s you’d have to learn the entire menu, how to make all the food, the table numbers, how to use the cash register, how to use the drive through set up, and how to use the cooking equipment. This isn’t easy either. It’s a lot to learn. You wouldn’t be an expert at all this overnight just like you won’t be an expert at teaching this subject overnight. But once you spend some time on it and get some experience hopefully you will get better.

  7. you were hired for a reason. Try out a few sessions and you’ll decide what to do from there.

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