What do women enjoy doing after finishing the deed that makes them feel cared for?

  1. I most often cum on my gf so I clean her up, clean myself and cuddle, caress her hair, kiss her and make sure she does feel amazing.

    If she didn’t climax from sex I help her with licking, toys or other things

  2. Knowing what makes her feel happy and loved is what makes good aftercare. That’ll be unique to each person, but it’s worthwhile getting a good handle on it.

  3. My wife usually falls asleep right after. So I cuddle her, make sure she’s covered up so stays warm, CPAP is in place, etc.

    Sometimes her brain gets busy and she’s restless and has trouble getting to sleep, even right after sex. In those cases most of the time while cuddling I insert my thumb (she sleeps on her side). That instantly soothes her and she goes right to sleep. I pull it out slowly and gently after about 5 minutes and she continues her good sleep.

  4. Varies from person to person. Some people like to snuggle, some don’t want to be touched. Some want to talk, some prefer silence. Take the time to learn.

    Generally, stick around. Be present.

    I always also have a “sex towel” available for clean-up (I keep one in the sex toy/condoms/lube drawer) and try to have access to a warm, damp washcloth if I had the time beforehand… Grabbing a couple of cold bottles of water on the way up to the bedroom is also generally appreciated.

    It’s the little things.

  5. After sex, I become more affectionate, and crave for physical touch a lot. That’s why, I consider cuddling, kissing, talking main components of a good aftercare. Also, let’s not forget drinking water.

  6. Providing a drink cover and morning after pill??? 😆

    Seriously, it’s going to depend upon the person so you need to ask. But conveying contentment and affection through cuddling, languid whispering usually goes far in my experience.

  7. You need to figure out what’s good for your partner, but with mine, I cuddle her and tell her about how much I enjoyed that. I hug her and kiss her tenderly and help her clean up a little. I bring her some water and maybe a little snack and tuck her in while we cuddle some more, maybe watch a movie too.

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