Already posted something similar but didn’t get many responses. My older brother sexually abused me (he did everything, like went all the way) when I was 4 until I was 6 and from when he was 8 until 10. He also tried to get our baby sister (who was 1 at the time) to join in. She didn’t. Since he was quite young and had been abused himself, I always excused what he did, and he never touched me after that because I told our parents. However, a close family friend cut ties with us a few years after and I learned it was because my brother inappropriately touched their son. As recently as 3 years ago, my brother has touched my younger sister inappropriately (slapping/grabbing her butt). I told her recently about what he did to me and we’re putting all the pieces together and thinking he’s a pervert. I have two little girls who I have never let be alone with him because I have always worried. My mom is devastated and told me basically it’s normal what he did and that it’s such a shame something he did so long ago should come back to bite him now.

  1. > My mom is devastated and told me basically it’s normal what he did a

    > As recently as 3 years ago,

    Experimenting, sure…but this is clearly not that. And 3 years ago is nothing but “a long time ago”. Your mum sounds rather delusional.

    Why did your parents fail to step up and protect you when you were younger? Who abused your brother?

  2. He is levels beyond a pervert. He is a sex offender. What your mother said is atrocious, I am so sorry she’s defending what he did to you.

  3. Your brother is a pedo and a rapist. He should be in jail for the rest of his life for what he’s done. There is a clear constant pattern to his actions. He will not change. He will not stop. He will keep on hurting children. He should go to jail.

  4. You and your sister can talk to someone at a women’s advocacy center or shelter for advice on how to report what happened.

    You both do not deserve that from anyone at any age.

    Even if you feel like you can go on with your life without him being punished, there are other young children who deserve to be protected.

  5. What in the ever living fuck did i just read. He raped you when u were a child and has to some extent sexually assaulted another child. And you’re wondering if he’s a pervert. Are u stupid, that dude is levels above a pervert. Get the fuck away from him and dont let your kids have any contact with him. Doesn’t matter if you’re around or not. Like that’s the most basic thing that u should’ve done. And what in hell is wrong with ur mother. I really hope this is fake.

  6. This is horrifying, for all of you. Your brother didn’t just come to this at such a young age without being horrifically abused himself. That being said, you don’t have to forgive him or do anything with him if you don’t want to.

    I just suggest you remember he was also a young child who got all of his wires twisted in a dreadful manner by your parents and your living situation. I am not saying to forgive him, just remember who he was at the time.

  7. OP, it is as bad as you worry it is. It is as serious as you think it may be. Cut ties with him, period. Protect (continue to) your children, he is not normal and probably will never change.

  8. That wasn’t normal what he did. Listen op, if you live in the US, there is NO statue of limitations for sexual abuse to children. You should try contacting that family friend. Explain what happened to you, and ask if he wants to press charges against your brother for his son.

    I’d call up everyone I knew he abused and go to the police as a group to press charges against him. That’s a dangerous pattern of behavior and you and your sister need to cut all ties with the guy and never let him even touch your children. The dude is a sexual predator, and a pervert. He needs therapy to deal with his own childhood trauma and learn better coping techniques, and sexual boundaries with others while he is in prison.

    If I where you, I wouldn’t even let the children be in the same room as your brother, even with supervision.

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