So I go to a very small college, around 500 kids, and I like this girl. I don’t have any classes with her and I’ve never spoken to her before. I want to ask her out but I’m not rly sure how. I see her occasionally in the dining hall, but I’m always with people, or she’s with people. There’s never really a time where I would see her where we are both by our selves, and there’s not rly a situation where a conversation would happen to come between us at some point. How do I do this? Do I approach her if there is a time where we are both alone and just straight up ask her if she wants to get dinner some time? Also we are at the point now where the semester ends in two weeks. Does it make sense to try and ask her at some point like this week, or wait until next semester starts in mid January?

  1. Tap her on the shoulder and say

    “hey I’ve really wanted to get to know you for a while now but there hasn’t been a chance. I’m hoping I can give you my social media and if you’re keen we can hang out over break? My name is [xx] and I’m on [name of social media]”

  2. I also struggle with this issue, if I don’t have any common connection/class with a girl Im at a dead end. I don’t believe I got the charisma to just approach someone and say hi lets know more about each other. I would advice you to do that though if you are willing to take a high risk and high reward. I also believe you will look manly to her as most girls realise the amount if balls it takes to pull that off. If you succeed she will know your intentions right away and her reaction/body language will give you an indication on her interest. If not though try to use common person or join a club/event that she takes a part in.

    Edit: definitely don’t say something like hi lets know more about each other

  3. 500 students is tiny. You’d think you would all know each other.

    Approach. Introduce yourself. Ask if you could walk with her to class. Chat. Ask her what she did on the weekend. Give her openings where she can drop the hint of a BF. If she doesn’t have a BF, ask for her socials.

    Then do some research, find out what her interests are. Curate a date and ask her out – time and place.

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