I can barely speak and all I can do is whisper. I’m supposed to go to a restaurant and im already on the way.. how do i order my food when i can barely speak?

I feel like this sounds stupid but im very anxious about this and i need advice!

Thank you in advance ♡

  1. Pen and paper or point to what you want on the menu. Try speaking to show your voice is croaky. I’m sure the waiter will understand.

  2. I cant Filter sounds so I can speak with nobody at the club.

    I write everything down on my phone and it works

  3. This happened to me once. I let my friends/family I was gonna be with know, and they were able to help me out. When we went out to eat, we had a good laugh over my attempts to order. Also, the server was pretty cool. Sometimes you gotta lean into it. I hope your voice gets better!

  4. Bring a notepad and a pen and just write it down and show it to them. Or any kinda paper works.

  5. Download a voice app on your phone; type in and the app speaks, I had laringitis a few weeks ago for a week and that worked for me great

  6. I’m surprised no one else has said this yet, but just use the notes app on your phone! I worked in retail for many years and this is what (in my experience) deaf/ mute customers always did. I promise it isn’t the first time they’ve seen it 🙂 Just type “Hi- I lost my voice!” at the top and then your order. Make the font bigger if you can, so it’s easier for them to see, too.

  7. I lose my voice during allergy season. I keep a small whiteboard on me. It’s bigger than a phone.

    Too bad most people don’t know sign language. that would save some hassle.

  8. Others have said it but your options are sign language, pen and paper, charades, or just pointing at what you want on the menu and hope you don’t need anything special ordered.

  9. I’m sorry for this, trying to apologize for how it may come off ahead of time. But how terrible is it that this person does not have the problem solving skills to figure out what they could possibly do to solve their problem so much so that they have to reach out on Reddit to ask for help? I for one would personally feel extremely embarrassed if I had to ask this kind of question on a social media platform. Thank goodness for Reddit anonymity.

  10. As a side note from someone who has had vocal cord issues and surgery, don’t whisper! Whispering is actually more damaging than talking in a normal tone. Rest your voice and use your phone or pen and paper to communicate. 😊 Hope you recover soon!

  11. Maybe open your note taking app, crank the font size to max and type out what you want and hold it up to the waiters?

  12. It’s ok to cancel and stay home if you are unwell. Take care of yourself and let yourself off the hook if you can. Your voice needs time to recover and you deserve to rest when you need it.

  13. Write order on phone and shows them. I also lost my voice once for 3 days also meet a doctor for the same

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