So I matched with a girl of hinge and we both agreed on a date and time for a date pretty early on, which was in four days from the match.

We were supposed to meet yesterday but I text her to remind/confirm on the morning and she left me on read for hours.

At that point I knew she flaked so went out with my best friend instead. She texted back later in the day and she said she wasn’t feeling well, that she wanted to see me and was hoping to feel better, and sorry for being last minute.

However she didn’t suggest to reschedule, so I’ve just left her on read and haven’t responded for the past 12 hours.

What are people’s thoughts? Am I doing the right thing in just leaving it?

  1. I wouldn’t try to set anything up atleast not from you. If she let you down then it’s up to her to suggest something. If she hasn’t you have your answer no point in chasing after her. Move on to the next

  2. I think saying she wanted to see you was the step towards rescheduling. She might’ve wanted to gage whether you weren’t too annoyed about her cancelling before making another time?
    I personally think it’s putting someone on the spot to reschedule at the same time as cancelling when you don’t know each other. It’s a bit too forward and cocky .. like you expect they are just waiting for you to be available ?

    I’m not sure if that makes sense but imo you should reply.

  3. Not a good start – if she doesn’t have the audacity to let you know she can’t make it, then drop her.

    It takes 10 seconds to respond to someone. Move on with someone who you will not have to wonder about!

  4. Sounds like you’re 3rd or maybe even 4th on her list so it really depends on your level of self respect to determine if you’re willing to entertain these sort of acts – best rule of thumb: Be willing to walk away at all times

  5. No you did good. If she just cancelled and immediately told you I’d say reach out, but if she left you on read for hours she was clearly ignoring you for a bit. Leave her on read and if she likes you she will reach out and ask to see you.

  6. I’m tired of ppl saying I’m sorry for late reply. 99% of ppl have there phones on them all the time. You aren’t a priority. If you aren’t a priority you don’t want to waste time. Stop with the immature excuses.

  7. Doesn’t sound great, especially since she didn’t make an effort to reschedule, and didn’t let you know until very late on the day.

    I would probably just send a text telling her that you hope she feels better soon and to let you know when she’d like to reschedule.

    Just don’t get your hopes up. In my experience, she’ll never get back to you to reschedule.

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