I (22M) recently met a girl who I’ve been online-friends with for a couple of years. We hit it off pretty nicely from the moment we met, and I’ve been to two “dates” with her so far. (At least I consider them dates) Both times I walked her to the bus station afterwards. Both times I felt like there was a single moment of tranquility where we could’ve sparked something.

We are supposed to meet soon for a third date. I “off handedly” mentioned that it’s gonna be a date and she wasn’t surprised or anything about that. Just agreed. I plan to either go for a bar or to a cinema. Since the chemistry so far has been great, and I noticed a lot of signs that she likes me too… I’d really want to seal the deal this time.

Thing is, I’m not kissless, but I’ve never been the one to initiate it lol. How do you recognize the right moment?? What do you think about asking her something like “can I kiss you? :)” in such a moment? I feel like the right girls would think it’s sweet but at the same time it might just be the movie enthusiast in me speaking.

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