This is a slightly weird situation. Im a 23 year old male and I haven’t been very actively dating for about a year now and I been trying to slowly get myself back into it… now there’s this girl at my work who I thought was really cute we got a little close and talked and flirted at work every now and again but nothing crazy. We’ll this girl ended up quitting and when she quit I never got her number snap anything to contact her because I wanted to ask her out or at least talk with her a little more and see where things went and I was openly telling my dad about this …. And this is the troubling part so both of our bosses just so happen to be my mother and when this girl quit my mom heard me telling my dad about the girl and she took it upon herself to ask the girl on a date for me!!! I was super pissed and kinda still am… this only happened a few days ago and she said yes she’d be interested but tbh if I where her I’d be kinda weirded out by that but that’s why I’m here I have her number now and want to text her but I just don’t want it to be awkward lmao I need advice Reddit!

1 comment
  1. Heck… just go out with her.

    Yeah, it’s kinda weird how it all came together, but hey, who knows… you and she might hit it off.

    And yeah, having my mom involved in my dating life REALLY woulda creeped me out!

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