So, there’s this guy I’ve been “talking to” for like five years now. Nothing special just flirting here and there. Dumb drunk texts when we were 18-19. The thing is I’m older now. I’m 22, starting my masters in the fall. I’m not in the mood for this cat and mouse thing. He came back to our hometown for the thanksgiving break. He was pretty consistent with how much he wanted to hang out. But I was busy with school work and finals. I won’t lie I was confused by his huge interest all of a sudden. So, I finally took my dad’s advice and asked him what his intentions were and told him mine. I was basically straight up like I’m not looking for hookups right now. He said that wasn’t his intentions and didn’t know that he was giving off those vibes. My thing is after that he told me he missed me lol. And idk maybe I’m pessimistic but I just didn’t believe that. Anyways, after all of that, him saying he missed me and thinks I’m cute blah blah blah. He pretty much ghosted me. He went back home where he works. And never initiated the conversation. It was me who had to and he’s not a bad texter in a way. Just kinda short with his answer but he responds very quickly. Its just, a part of me feels like he’s playing me and only hitting me up when he’s back in our hometown. But then when he goes back home it’s…. crickets. I told my friend and she said go for it. In a way I don’t want to face rejection AND get my feelings played . What do you guys think?? Am I thinking too hard on this? Or, am I getting put in the back for just in case lol. Also, we usually communicate through snap and he’s not really on there or in social media in general so that could be a reason.

TLDR: guy I like has me questioning if he’s actually interested in me or if he’s playing me.

  1. If he wanted to put in effort, he would.

    You’re going for your Masters (congrats!) so he’s a distraction you don’t need

  2. Life experience has told me that if a guy wants a girl, they will make all the effort to reciprocate the feelings and the desire to be with you.

    Unfortunately, this is not just it. Focus on yourself now and maybe along the road, you’ll find a better guy.

  3. The way to attract a female is to contact them and then ignore them. If he told you he had feelings for you, then he would be rejected outright or be called a stalker.
    I am almost 60 and see life differently than you. But, if you have feelings for this person genuinely, then it could be a positive lifelong loving connection. What is more important ? A Degree or a Relationship. Love is so strong a feeling that it can derail you. Will You after you have accomplished your schooling goal regret not having this person in your life ? I fell in love with someone 33 years ago and never told them. I live everyday with regret. I finally did tell them. It was too late. Don’t live with regret. It will eat your soul. Love never dies.

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