I have been talking to a guy for almost four months. He seemed perfect for me in a lot of ways. We have similar views, future plans, dreams, goals, etc. He is finishing college and I am working full-time. Our situation is unique in that we met on a dating app and have sort of been doing long distance, as he is a few hours away.

Anyways, over time he has seemed to become more distant. We had our first real date a few weeks ago and things went amazing, but now he seems more focused on his friends and partying than making any attempts to communicate. We still text daily, but we aren’t able to call because he says he is busy studying, but then he tells me later he was hanging with his friends. I know this is sort of to be expected in college, but it’s bothering me a bit. It all came to a boil when the past three times we’ve called, he’s spent more time talking to his roomates/friends on the calls than he talked to me. I have mentioned how I feel a few times, and he’s just said he’s busy with school.

I really like him, but I’m starting to feel I’m not a priority. I’m hopeless at dating and only had one relationship that was terrible. Is something like this a potential red flag, or am I being paranoid?

  1. It sounds as if maybe you two are in to different life stages, which could be affecting the relationship as well. He’s in college so yeah, he’s gonna want to party and hang with his friends. It happens. I hate to say it, but you probably aren’t a top priority right now. Being long distance and in college isn’t gonna help on his end of things. And it looks like talking to him isn’t helping. You could wait it out til summer when he might have more free time.

  2. Honestly, dating isn’t always like the movies where. But if you’ve been dating only a few weeks and he’s not trying to spend time with you despite you talking to him, maybe he’s not the right guy for you

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