
Me and my girlfriend, O, have been friends for a year and dating for a month. I want to kiss her but I don’t know when it’s appropriate. I have never kissed anyone, but she has. I don’t wanna catch her off guard, but I also don’t want to flat-out ask her if I can kiss her. Just seems forward/awkward yk? We were cuddling in my bed together and I accidentally brushed up against her with my nose. She made a comment about how Eskimos kiss each other by rubbing their noses together. So I rubbed my nose on hers and we both giggled, it was cute. She then proceeded to tell me why Eskimos don’t kiss the traditional way –because their lips would stick together from the cold air and moisture in their mouths. I thought about saying something like “do you think our lips would stick together?” and then trying and kiss her, but I didn’t. I didn’t because I thought it was corny. I think she was hinting at wanting to kiss though. Anyway, I wanna get more intimate with my girlfriend, but I don’t know how. Advice would be wonderful. Tx!

TLDR: Awkward teen boy can’t figure out how to kiss his girlfriend for the first time.

  1. Yes I feel u, plainly saying ‘hey can I kiss you’ feels kinda cringe. Try to make it casual. Take her to a movie or a park, put your arms around her and bring your face towards her and wait for her to also do that. Slowly get closer for a kiss so that she has time to refuse if she is still uncomfortable and avoid being pushy. You haven’t kiss before so just make sure your breath is not soo bad and your lips done feel like a rock (moisturise). Also beware of hitting the teeth, happened to me and was awkward as fuck.

  2. Tell me about her becoming your girlfriend. How did that conversation go? I ask because a conversation about becoming your girlfriend might also be awkward, like a conversation about your first kiss, so I thought there might be clues you could use for this next step.

    How did it happen?

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