What is an addiction the world is just Ok with?

  1. Caffeine. It’s 100% a chemical addiction, complete with withdrawals, and no one bats an eye.

  2. Our society supports being a workaholic even if that means your health/mental state suffers.

  3. Porn. And when you try to address it, most of the time you’re called a puritan or a prude.

  4. For me its Alcohol! So toxic and has been and is being pushed by media/movies/series as something successful people do, fun people do, every event must have it (otherwise its not an event); in some cultures if you haven’t got really drunk, it was not a good night.

    BTW I do drink alcohol, i’m not saying Im exempt from all this.

  5. Sugar, caffeine, alcohol to a point (wine moms), various actual drugs but only when prescribed by a doctor

  6. It’s weird how people think drinking poisonous substances (alcohol) to suppress brain function is normal and even classy

  7. Gaming, I love games but I know when to stop, I never play those big online multiplayer ones because I think those can become addictive. I’ve basically lost out on my first ever relationship because the guy I was dating was OBSESSED with League.

  8. Coffee. It boggles my mind how normal the sentiment “I can’t function without my coffee” is, and how we’re just sorta ok with that. I can’t believe we just agree to live like this. It’s not a “I drink coffee because I like to” thing. It’s a need. Some people might say alcohol or social media or something, but those are usually used as entertainment, in worst case scenarios as coping mechanisms, but coffee is just that thing you do so you can wake up enough to go to work

    People don’t get addicted to alcohol or porn or social media because they need it for their job. Coffee, they do

  9. Immediate gratification.

    God forbid you to have to wait a few extra minutes in traffic. The world will not end because the line at Starbucks isn’t moving fast enough to suit you. Being mad at theme parks having long wait times and becoming indignant that your Amazon package will take four days to be delivered rather than two days.

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