What are your daily habits that improve your life ?

  1. Using a journaling app to write about my thoughts and feelings. It’s much easier for me to process my emotions first instead of acting on them out of impulse. If I’m not having a good day or someone was rude it’s easier for me to overcome those feelings just by typing it out

  2. – Sunday afternoon reset time: making sure everything is packed and ready for work the next day.
    – Daily exercise: take my dog for a run before and after work. Then do Pilates in the evening.
    – Read: I’ve made a habit to read 1 chapter every night before bed.
    – Notes/positive thoughts: every morning I think of at least one thing I’m grateful and thankful for and I write that down in my notes app.
    – Drink more water: no explanation needed.
    – Cleanse your face: no explanation needed.
    – Alone time once a week: lately I’ve enjoyed spending time alone. I’ve been visiting bookstores in my city, visiting museums and gardens, grabbing coffee, just treating myself.
    – Planning the future: career possibilities (pros and cons).
    – Cleaning out my room regularly: I dislike clutter, everything has to be organised and in order.
    – Making sure everything is neat and tidy: self-explanatory.

  3. Stretching and mobility Training.

    I stretch daily for about 20 minutes before bed.

    I try to also do 20 minutes of mobility each day, but oh well…. 😅 It works most of the time

    Makes me feel so much better. Way less body aches and my mind is clearer.

  4. I have a stand up desk at work. I try to stand until lunch, with short periods of sitting. My back, shoulders and neck are less painful at the end of the day.

  5. Literally just stretch.

    I should do this more often, but I feel like stretching helps with sitting at a desk all day, lymph circulates properly so I’m not bloated, and it’s just SOOO satisfying.

  6. Not exactly daily but going to the gym or any exercising will greatly improve your life

  7. I try to eat one salad a day with as many vegetables in it as possible. That way, no matter what else I eat and what cravings I give in to, I know I’ve had my daily intake of vegetables.

    I’ve also been told by a nutritionist that it’s a good idea to include at least one vegetable with every meal – including breakfast. Baby spinach is my favourite.

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