So I’m 34 and my wife 32. I was diagnosed with periodontal disease several years ago and recently got it stable after a lot of work. Well the goal for anyone with this disease is to keep your teeth as long as possible. There are a few teeth that are mobile that I want to see if they can be saved not automatically go to getting a partial denture.

All this to say, wives out there, would you still love your husband if all their teeth fell out and they had to get dentures? My wife said she would still love me but I guess my smile/appearance is what I have put stick in into people accepting/liking me.

  1. Yes-I would still love my husband. Positive with dentures they are super white, and your smile maybe even better.

    My mom had dentures and most people she meets never even knew

    Edit to say she got them at like 40.

  2. Of course, I would. At the same time, I’d encourage him to get good dental insurance and save up to get implants. Maybe in India or Mexico. Everyone I know with dentures hates them.

  3. Dude, I had a complex DVT in my leg, which caused a muscle infarction. My leg has a HUGE dent in it where the muscle died. My husband still loves me and says I’m beautiful, and I walk with an obvious limp and use a cane. Dentures are nothing!

  4. Yes of course. You know what you have to worry about? Insecurity. Men’s insecurity ruins so much good shit. If your wife says she will love you and find you attractive, trust her, and don’t let insecurity get in the way of your connection/ intimacy.

  5. It wouldn’t change my love or attraction for my husband. This is what commitment is about. We are all going to physically change and eventually fall apart. Real love makes these things immaterial.

  6. My wife has had a partial since right after we started dating. We’ve been married for 27 years.

    I have implants and a partial and retainer due to a tumor in my jaw. It’s been 20 years since that happened.

  7. I love my husband’s smile and everything about him.

    The fact that it’s dentures and not his real teeth wouldn’t bother me. I’d still adore him.

  8. My husband is suffering from the same medical problem. Two years ago he got one canine tooth removed and kept the gap. He looks a little bit like a pirate now, when he is smiling. It never affected my attraction for him neither would dentures do.

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