How do you feel about your partner discussing your sex life with friends?

The discussion came up between my girlfriend and I after she mentioned discussing sex lives with her friends while out drinking. I knew she talked about some things with her friends, but I never really thought about how I felt about it.

On one hand it’s her sex life, and she has every right to talk about it. But on the other hand, she’s indirectly talking about my sex life with people who I’d rather not know these things.

I don’t see sex as some taboo thing that shouldn’t be talked about, and I’m not ashamed of anything I enjoy in the bedroom (and I have a moderately adventurous sex life). But still, I’m a pretty private person and generally prefer people not to know details about my personal life.

Not looking for judgement on my situation or my girlfriend talking to her friends, but I’m curious how other people feel about it and interested in different viewpoint.

  1. As a guy I feel the same way, always thought it was odd how much they talk about it compared to how much me and my friends talk about it

  2. No, honestly I find it hot. Especially when she tells me all about it after. What her friends said, their reactions, etc. It’s even better if she shows pics of me or of us

  3. doesn’t it really depend on whether it’s positive information or negative information? there’s really a big difference. if your partner is telling her friends that you have a giant penis that makes her have 3 orgasms in 15 minutes… ya probably gonna be okay with it. if your partner tells her friends that you have a wee little micropenis and that she hasn’t had an orgasm in a year… ya probably gonna be upset.

  4. I wouldn’t be mad. They’re her friends. I expect my partner to talk freely with her friends, because they’re her friends. Who else is she going to talk to?

    Of course I want her to talk to me, and she does. But she’ll sometimes need an opinion that isn’t mine, and she should get that from her friends. Talk away, I’ve got nothing to hide.

    My partner has friends that have been in her life for her whole life. I’ve been in her life for a tiny fraction of that. I assume her friends know everything, and they’re welcome to advise her as she sees it necessary to request. What would you not want her close friends to know?

  5. I always talk about our sex life with the girls. I know by husband doesn’t mind so a non issue for me I guess. I wouldn’t over think it 😁

  6. Your feelings are completely valid on this one. I definitely believe people should be able to do as they please, so long as they aren’t hurting someone else (unconsentually). She is, as you said, not only sharing her own intimate information, but yours as well. She can’t read your mind, so you need to communicate how you feel about it, and hopefully she will take your feelings into account.

    Maybe a comparable situation would be: she got pregnant and wanted to wait to tell people until a certain time (without telling you, in this case), but you went out and told your friends that you’re going to be a father without consulting her. Would that be okay?

  7. It seems a lot people are assuming that I myself am mad about the situation, but I never said that and I’m actually not

    The intent of posting was to elicit a discussion about how other people feel about it and to see other viewpoints

  8. Honesty I don’t really mind! I’m not sure how much my fiancée talks to his friends about our sex life, but I talk pretty openly with my friends about it tbh

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