You fall ill. What do you expect or how do you wish to be cared if you tell about your pain to male bestfriends who are in some other place far away from you?

  1. Asking for a friend?

    There’s nothing you can do, so she shouldn’t be expecting you to do anything but wish her a speedy recovery and make sure she has people close by to get her shopping or such if she can’t shop herself (though she can use online deliveries)

  2. Jokes on you I wouldn’t tell anyone and would literally die before I did to avoid being a burden 🙂

  3. If I fall ill and tell my best friend who is far away, I would want them to check in on me frequently to see how I am doing and offer any support they can.

  4. I wouldn’t tell my male best friends :’) I barely tell my female best friends, and all I need from them is a “that sucks, I hope you recover soon”. That being said, if someone were to order me takeout, I would either love them forever or feel guilty forever, or both, depending on my state of mind.

  5. If they’re in some place far away from me, there’s not a lot they can do and I don’t expect anything of them but a sympathetic ear if I feel like whining.

  6. …They’re far away, and they’re also just friends. I wouldn’t expect them to really care for me when I’m poorly, that’s my job. A partner is one thing, but friends…I just wouldn’t expect that from them.

    If someone is telling you about their pain, they might just want a safe space to talk about it.

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