What mindset has changed your life for the better?

  1. Every kind thing I do, I do because I want to and I’ll regret not doing it later. Expect nothing in return and you’ll be better off.

    Don’t do things because you think you’ll get rewarded later on. The kindness is the reward itself.

    This mindset has also helped me say “no” a lot more without it bothering me.

    Also, everything comes easier if you take care of yourself first. Hygiene, skincare, exercise, cleaned apartment, plenty of water, eating right, etc. will just make you feel better. Not because what you’re doing is healthy for you, but it puts you in a healthy mindset.

  2. Approach the world as it is, and not how you would like it to be. Craft your personal ethos, plans for the future, and important personal decisions based on the situation on the ground and not how you were hoping it would be, or it should be, or it could have been. I have seen so many people’s lives that are stuck in mid-gear or, worse, in shambles because their entire approach is:

    Them: “I believe X, because Y.”
    Me: “Y is not true, and it likely never will be.”
    Them: “It should be, though, so I will continue to believe X.”

    Approach the world from a place of humility and seek to learn, and then act accordingly.

  3. Gratitude can go a long way. I’ve been making an effort to be more grateful the past year or so. I believe it has been good for my mental health.

  4. Put yourself in other people’s shoes.

    It’s a waste of time being upset.

    Be kind/compassionate

  5. Complaining doesn’t solve anything. Either fix it or accept it. Nobody likes someone who constantly complains about everything. They are asking you to solve their problems for them and hold their hand. Sorry, I have my own problems I handle without complaining, You deal with your own issues. You are a grown ass man. Deal with your shit yourself.

  6. I wake up and expect things to be fucked. If they’re fucked that day, np, it’s what I expected. If things go well, expectations exceeded. There’s no point in getting mad about things I have zero control over and I dislike it when things go south so, setting the initial bar lower has helped me.

    I’ve been told it’s probably not the best outlook tl have but, it’s been working.

  7. I don’t worry about the things that i can not control anymore. It has saved me a lot of worry through the years.

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