Hear me out. I(27) met this guy(32) about two years ago who checks all the boxes of a perfect guy. He is sweet, loving, thoughtful, romantic, a really good person, has great relationship with his family(his family is perfect). Has never broken a law in his life, has a great job, great hobbies, very handsome etc. We have amazing chemistry in all aspects. Personality wise, in bed etc. Our communication is amazing! There’s never been a time where we haven’t been able to resolve our differences. We have TONS and TONS of similar interests and never run out of fun things to do. Even just sitting and hanging out on our couch is fun and fulfilling because the chemistry is so great! Our personalities and bodies fit like two puzzle pieces.

The only issue is, this guy is batshit insane. He fully buys into the whole internet “our entire world is run by a satanic cabal” conspiracy. Now this wouldn’t be an issue if he didn’t let this consume his whole life. It has become THE main thing that he cares about the most since the last two years. He dedicates hours of his days trying to convince people on Instagram(mainly people we socialize with irl) that the UFOs/aliens are coming. He posts at least 20 posts a day(he’s been consistent for the last two years), EVERYDAY about conspiracies, aliens, the cabal, etc. This is the only thing he posts about on his Instagram. He fully believes that he is a time traveler and that he can talk to his future self. He thinks all the major celebrities and politicians are body doubles and that this entire world is run by actors. He is persistent on making people buy into his beliefs and won’t let up at any cost. He has invested tons of money into this fringe crypto currency that no one knows about and fully believes that in a year or two, he is gonna be a millionaire.

Other than this, there are some minor issues with his personality that are kind of red flags. For example, sometimes it seems like he may be bipolar because he struggles with making decisions. He spends many nights sleepless because of an adderall addiction and we have broken up many times(at least 50) because he struggles with commitment but has always come back and I am 100% certain is here to stay.

He doesn’t seem like the type who would kill me or hurt me or purpose though so I wonder what’s the worst that could happen if I committed to this guy? I feel like I met my soulmate considering all the other aspects and don’t wanna lose him. Would it be the worst idea if I actually committed to this guy?

  1. yeah you would be the first person to join his cult

    think hard about why you are considering this

  2. He reminds me of my mother.

    I only have money because she no longer has access to my accounts, otherwise she’d spend everything on replacing phones that she thinks are compromised. She also locked me out of the house once she became convinced that I was working with the conspiracies.

    If you decide to stay, keep camping equipment and food in your car and just hope he doesn’t turn on you in winter. It’s possible to freeze to death overnight.

  3. You are not yet entirely dragged into his crazy world probably because you’re still just the GF. Commit to him now and be prepared to have your whole life be controlled by his dumba** notions.

    Think finances and family wise. You said he already invested in some typa crypto. Imagine if he forces you to do the same in the future. Also, this is probably stretching it a bit too far but god forbid, you bear his children, they’ll grow up in a household where they’ll have to deal with his cult type mindset. His ideologies will be imposed on you all, without a doubt.

    Compatibility is one thing but he seems too detached from reality, that can be a whole another level of madness to separate yourself from. He will drag you down his rabbit hole once you’re all in. My suggestion to you before that happens- run.

  4. He’s ‘perfect’ but you’ve broken up 50 odd times cause he had commitment issues and he’s batshit insane? Okay…

  5. Prepare to convince him you are NOT a replicant 😜
    Otherwise… he will have you « retired »

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