Why is Xmas so special to you?

  1. I don’t care for Christmas, or any holiday really. If I had to pick some things to like about them it would be time off work and spending time with my family.

  2. It’s not at all special for me. I’m not a Christian so it’s not something I celebrate. I’m glad those who celebrate it have it and I hope it’s great for them, but I’d really love it if it wasn’t shoved in my face everywhere I look and everywhere I go for 2-3 months leading up to it.

  3. To me, it’s not. Especially after working in retail for 10 years, I actively dislike the Christmas season.

  4. It isn’t. I’m not Christian.

    However, I do enjoy the cheerful atmosphere and how people derive joy from the holiday. The insipid music playing 24/7 is the only thing I don’t like!

  5. I’m not religious so I don’t really practice it, but it’s nice when someone gets you a gift or two

  6. It’s a beautiful time for people of all kinds to come together to celebrate the birth of baby Jesus in a non religious way.

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