(M21) I am currently dating a really cute girl and we’ve been to two dates so far. The first one was just some simple walking around the park with tea afterwards and the second one was a few days ago where we played 3D minigolf together (no kiss at the end or any other intimate touching, we are both very shy).

We already “confessed” that we are both interested in each other and are texting each other almost everyday with some space in between occasionally. She already agreed to a third date as I asked her a couple hours later, we will both go to a christmas market next weekend and I am so happy finally meeting a girl who reciprocates and doesn’t play games. It feels awesome having someone who genuinely cares as I never had a girlfriend before.

Now, christmas is around the corner and I was thinking to give her a small gift. I know that she absolutely loves Star Wars and tea so I thought I would give her a Yoda teacup together with a tea giftbox.

I don’t want to seem clingy or creepy by any means, we are both taking our time and I do not intend to rush things – I just thought about making her a small gift that shows that I really care about her.

What do you guys think? Is it too overwhelming?

Also, how do I approach for a kiss? I don’t want it to be awkward, I though about giving her the gift at the end of the date right before I drop her off. Maybe that’s romantic enough? I know, I am really overthinking stuff.

Thanks for help!

1 comment
  1. Can’t say I’ve got too much experience in dates lmao but I think a gift is a great idea. I mean you know her best, if you think it would make her happy then you should 100% do it. Good luck OP

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