Wondering if anyone has or knows of anyone who’s met somebody through reddit lol

  1. No, but I’m not here to meet people.

    I have interacted with a few people here though that I’d like to meet in person if we’re ever in the same area at the same time, but that would be as friends, not for dating.

  2. Not really for dating, just to make some acquaintances in a new city. Met a very uncomfortable narcissistic weirdo, never met him again.

  3. Met two men for dating. It went nowhere. will meet another soonish. This one is very special

  4. Yes. He made a post about something that interested me. Sent him a DM. Fast forward to now we’ve been dating for 1.5 years.

  5. Yes. I posted (from a different account, not this one) looking for a FWB, and received a constant stream of messages from guys for almost 24 hours until I deleted the post (pretty standard for a woman on the reddits).

    A couple of them sounded like good dudes; one in particular caught my interest. We chatted via Reddit constantly for 2 days before we met up in person, and hit it off.

    2 weeks later I told him I wanted more than FWB, and asked him out.

    We’re still together more than 2 years down the track and very happy!

  6. Yes, I met someone off of here a while ago and was seeing them for about 5 months. Things broke down for reasons beyond our control, but it was proof to me that you can meet people on here I guess.

  7. Met 2 friends off here. We are in touch & they are wonderful people. Not trying to date anyone off of here but got many offers/DMs.

  8. I went on a quasi-date with someone I met on reddit. I genuinely wasn’t trying to date, but she definitely was. It was a bit awkward.

  9. Yes, several people actually, including my husband, who himself had a few flings from reddit before meeting me. I tried both posting and just lurking, and for women I’d recommend lurking, since posting will unleash an absolute tsunami on your inbox that can be a lot to deal with.

  10. I’m down to try this, but I’m 26 and don’t know feasible that would be in my area.

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