So I am a dad of 2. That I have primary custody of. their mom is in the picture and we help each other out when we someone to watch the kids.i do not mind dating single moms nor do I mind if a girl doesn’t want to date me cause I have kids, but I get talked down to hard when I don’t want to date someone with more than 2 kids. alot of women that try and match with me have 4+kids and imo thats to much I tell them respectfully, I say listen it’s nothing against you but being with someone with 4 kids plus my own 2 is to much for me and they start cursing am I wrong?

  1. Yeah it’s a totally fair preference. The number of kids you have is a fine thing to match on. I have 0 kids, I want a partner with 0 kids, for example

  2. Not wrong. May sound hypocritical, but only a parent knows how much work it would take to take care of 6+ children.

  3. Why do you feel the need to be so honest? Honestly I’m a great believer in lying to prevent feelings and awkward conversations. If telling women you won’t date them because they have more than who kids is an awkward conversation for you then stop having it. You don’t feel the spark or whatever, anything.

  4. It’s fine to have that preference – although I peronally think it’s a stupid line in the sand. But I agree better to lie or not to match. Imagine the reverse: you and I start chatting for a bit, things are great and you’re getting excited, but then I find out you have primary custody instead of shared custody, so I end it immediately and tell you why with no regard to your feelings. It’s all perfectly fair in OLD, but you’re going to be disappointed and maybe angry about your time and energy I wasted.

  5. No, they’re just upset almost no one does want to date someone with that many kids. It’s just misplaced anger.

  6. That’s reasonable, blending a household with 6+ kids is hard. I wouldn’t explain it to them though, just say you’re not interested.

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