This happened last Friday, after work I went clubbing w my mates and so did my boyfriend. We both went to different clubs and while I was inside, I was obviously tired and just wanted to go home and was calling him. He wasn’t picking up my calls so I got paranoid and accused him of cheating (I have trust issues). He later called me back and told me his phone was missing and he was looking for it hence the not picking up my calls. After that, he told me he lost his mates and was trying to look for them. As I was leaving the club, we were still on the phone and I saw his friends so I went over to talk to them and put him on the phone with them. As I was leaving, a guy from inside the club that was trying to get with me earlier was saying “do you remember me?” I said no bye. My boyfriend was behind and saw it all and he fought the guy. The backstory is this guy approached me at the dance floor and told me to go to the smoking area and I said no. That was the story but my boyfriend thinks there’s more to the story and believed I hooked up with him because in his terms, no one just says “do you remember me or not?” and he just doesn’t look like a “creep”. He told me yesterday that he is a 100% sure I cheated on him, I even went as far as asking the club for cctv footage but the club replied saying it is not possible unless police requested for it. I feel so wronged as I was truly in the toilet the entire night. I do not know how to otherwise convince him anymore, the only thing that would prove my words are cctv footage.

  1. Sounds like you two deserve each other. You both make random unfounded accusations of cheating. You should probably be single for awhile to focus on growing up, but if you won’t do that, stay with him, y’all are perfect for each other!

  2. >so I got paranoid and accused him of cheating (I have trust issues).
    >He told me yesterday that he is a 100% sure I cheated on him

    You’re perfect for each other!

  3. So it seems to me that cheating accusation is common in your relationship.
    Plus did you not notice the difference when you accused him of cheating and when he accused you of cheating.

    What are you both doing??
    I am seriously concerned for you both.

  4. If you didn’t cheat – then it’s all his problem. You didn’t list your age. I’m guessing not quite 20 yet.

    If he can’t trust you at your word, then he needs to grow up and realise that you are one of the good ones.

    You didn’t cheat. So you can look him in the eye and tell him that.

    And if that isn’t enough, then he isn’t man enough for you.

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