I’ve been seeing this girl for the past 7 months and things have been interesting. She’s really funny, smart and ambitious and we click pretty well together. We are both introverted homebodies so it’s a great match even though our interests don’t 100% align. She’s always available to listen to my problems and is always making sure that I’m okay throughout the day which I appreciate.

My biggest gripe with her is our sex life and how adverse to touch she is. I noticed she only likes to be touched or have sex on her term but I understand where it stems from.

Things have started to pick up the last couple months. A few weeks ago she told me that she was madly in love with me and that she would not find anyone better. We both want to get married one day but she said that she wants me to propose soon and wants to get married after graduation.

I picture myself as a family man and was not freaked out by her saying that but it made me become a little suspicious of her.

It makes me feel like she is using me for something that I haven’t picked up on yet. I think I’m just wary of her since I found out that she sometimes talks to this guy on FaceTime which I never knew about.

We’ve been sleeping on the phone together when we are away almost everyday and spend a most of our off days together. I met her parents and everything went well. She has taken me to view apartments with her and is always talking about the future with me. I’m supposed to have dinner with her family next weekend. Something just seems off to me though.

I am not rich, smart, athletic or particularly charming. I’m just an average guy. I don’t know why I feel so weird about things or why I feel like she’s using me. Am I just being paranoid? Is it normal for people to feel so strongly about you after half a year?

TL;DR — Things with this girl are moving pretty fast. I’m suspicious of her love for me and I want to know if my suspicion is justified.

1 comment
  1. I don’t think you need to rush anything ,dating phase can last for a few years without even being engaged, take some time to know eachother, take vacations, more family activities ,
    HOPEFULLY if everything goes well, there will come a time to make it official

    (sorry for bad English)

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