I live in the city & work in an office. I look around the guys I work with and they seem to all be somewhat dull, not in great shape, have little interests or hobbies. I get it, they have kids and that takes up a lot of time but they make it seem like the highest priority is a house in the suburbs.

I can feel myself sliding down this path too in a sense. For example I want to leave my job to pursue something else but it would result in me taking a large pay-cut and losing good benefits. I don’t make that much to begin with but have a hard time convincing myself to try something else because I’m afraid I won’t enjoy it either.

How can I keep the drive to better myself and the interest to learn about and pursue other things and take risks? How can I avoid become a soft suburban dad?

  1. To not lose your edge I suggest you take care of your mental health. I failed to take some time or care for my mental health and now I’m just lost with no future prospects.

  2. Hit the gym; it only gets harder and harder to stay in shape/get in shape. Great for you body and mind.

  3. Exercise, physically and mentally. Keep learning new stuff every day. And no, that doesn’t take a lot of time. Every hour you spend you get back with interest. When you are fit physically and mentally things are more fun, you need less sleep, you have more energy. I’m a bit over fifty, had several bad periods and I’m better than ever, both professionally and at home.

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