Recently, my (M16) boyfriend (M17) and I have been discussing our relationship a lot, and we’ve questioned breaking up several times.

Today I met up with one of my greatest friends (F16), who moved away from our city when we were 12, and came back for the weekend. We spent a lovely evening together, and I hadn’t seen her in a very long time, and I felt extremely good with her. I never felt this good with anyone else, not even my boyfriend.

When the subject came up, I didn’t feel like breaking up or staying together would make any difference to me, maybe it was because I was tired and didn’t realise, or maybe not, and it’s this last possibility that scares me.

Our relationship has been going on well, we’ve been together for the past 8 months, and we’ve had our ups and downs, but today was different, because I always felt something when talking about our relationship with him, but not this time. It’s as if it were completely irrelevant to me.

I don’t know if we should keep going or if this is a sign to stop, I am very confused.

TL;DR After having a fantastic evening with one if my greatest friends, the possibility of breaking up with my boyfriend, for unrelated reasons, didn’t bother me a bit.

Should we break up? Are we just young and are taking things way too seriously?

  1. Do you see these things as congruent, or just a contrast? As I was just commenting to another redditor, some people just really value healthy friendships over romantic entanglement. As a much older person than you, I know that’s where I am in life. I’ve seen people casually who never made me as jubilantly happy as having drinks with an old friend, but they weren’t my dedicated boyfriend.

    You could be the same. Or you’re still looking for that special someone – you’re still young, with a lot of life ahead of you.

  2. >Should we break up? Are we just young and are taking things way too seriously?

    Try, just taking a break (2 weeks? 4?). yeah.

  3. She’s your greatest friend and it’s been a long time since you’ve seen her. It would be crazy if you didn’t feel super happy to be seeing her again after so long.

    I think you’re confused right now. I mean.. you felt good to see your friend, but she is just your friend. And she doesn’t even live close. I’m not sure if you’re considering more with her, but I wouldn’t make any snap decisions based on that visit alone.

    All things aside, you are young. You may not be with him forever. Just think things through.

  4. Yeah, way too seriously, statistically you will have 4 more boyfriends with whom you are crazy in love and you think each one of them is the one, until you find the one.

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