So this is a while ago but I’m still thinking about it at times. My bf would sometimes lose his erection during the 2nd/3rd round because of stress cause he believed that he had to be even better on those rounds. Or he’dbe stressed because he took longer to cum. This doesn’t happen anymore. But one time while we were having sex and I was moaning he said “I can’t stand to hear you any longer” and covered my mouth with his hand and a few moments later he ejacuated. Then when he realized I was hurt by this he told me that he was trying to concentrate so that he’d cum and that’s why he bursted out and said that. I had understood that he got anxious during that time because he took a long time to cum so I know that it was his anxiety talking. But I still have suspicions whether he was thinking of something/someone else. He told me that that’s not the case and that he’s concentrated on sex while we’re having it, and that it was just the anxiety to finish that made him say this. Still I don’t know if I believe him.

  1. I mean if he was into dominating you and you guys are kinky, or you’re into being talked down to I could say let it pass but it doesn’t seem like that’s the case. So yeah that’s really fucked up. And I don’t get that either I love to hear my partners moan and make noise hell usually gets me off faster lol

  2. i can understand because noise sometimes make it hard for me to cum (sometimes) especially where he was already worried about coming fast this makes sense. the other thing is that maybe he is a dom and it’s coming out? i love being choked or have my mouth covered so i can’t make noise and the men i have been involved with seem to love it as well but they were doms. i would believe him this time it doesn’t seem like it was malicious but i understand it’s hard to get over some things the people we love say

  3. I have sensory overload issues and get really annoying by noises sometimes. is it possible he could have some kind of condition like that, or is on the spectrum at all?

  4. Just use this information to encourage him more. Things like fuck me so hard it makes me lose my voice! Etc. I think going 2/3 rounds is cool. But to expect orgasms that many times in a row is a tall order, it requires some concentration any distraction could restart the clock! Perhaps get him to do more of this domination shut up kink.

  5. Was there any way someone else could have heard? Anyone else in the house or a neighbor nearby? That’s the only reasonable reason I could think why he’d be stressed by the sound.

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