for context I’m a guy. Met cute girl in a bar. Made out a lot. But I feel awful… like this sinking pit in my stomach. Of course I don’t think a relationship is going to come from a drunken make out session.

2 reasons –

1. After kissing her, I was closing out my tab and I saw her talking/laughing with another guy. He was taller than me. Was she just in a good mood cause I kissed her, or she just wanted attention, or was he probably a friend?
2. I kind of kissed her a little too passionately in the middle of the dance floor, it was packed as fuck. I feel cringy thinking I went too overboard.. as some guy who has never kissed a girl before. Like I feel I didn’t handle it cool enough. I was kissing hard and strong and intensely.

Just these two things. UGH I should feel happy for kissing a cute girl but why do I feel this way. It’s like my brain finds a way to be unhappy about things instead of just being happy. Like there were so many cute moments where we kissed and laughed around but that’s what my brain chooses to remember. Fucking sucks.

1 comment
  1. You just found out you are not so into the hookup culture, you probably should seek a real meaningful relationship rather than quick hookup and makeout sessions with people you’ll never meet again

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