My bf 27m and I 24f have been going through a rough patch. I felt my bf wasn’t satisfied with me so I offered an open relationship. He said no but I still felt he wasn’t satisfied so he said he would think about it. Fast forward we fixed the issue our relationship went back to normal but I found out today he has a tinder and messaged a lot of girls he told a girl he wanted to hang out with her 2 days ago she replied a day later and by then me and him hung out so they didn’t hang out. I told him a few days ago the relationship is closed so idk why he was messaging girls. I told him earlier and he blamed me. Idk what to do

  1. Give it time. A relationship is a fragile thing. You build trust over weeks, months, sometimes years. You can’t just open it and close it. You can communicate the uncomfortable, but it sounds like you’re jerking him around a little bit. Give it a while. Try to communicating openly and honestly. He has to choose to be with you.

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