I met a guy two weeks ago on a hookup site

We both haven’t had luck at dating (people here are a bit closed minded) so we were both expecting it to be a ONS or similar.

Except it was love at first sight for us, and we spoke for like six hours and shared so much in common, like what we do, our likes and dislikes, education etc).

We both have danced around it, but have essentially told each other we love each other and that we feel like each other is “the one” after seeing each other five times.

I don’t feel like he’s lovebombing (it seems genuine, and I am a pretty good judge in character). We both have talked about having children, marriage, travelling together and doing things together as we share the same hobbies.

Can you know so soon if someone is “the one” or is it too soon to tell?

I literally wanted to tell him I loved him on our first date after a few drinks 😂

  1. Too soon to tell.

    Have sex with him, and if he’s still texting and dating you with the same frequency or greater, then he’s a keeper.

  2. Too soon. It can take a month or two to get past initial excitement and see with a balanced perspective.

  3. Too soon to *feel* like it? No you can feel like that in two hours. Too soon for it to be rational? Probably. But life is often more fun when you aren’t always rational. Hell, I’ve found “the one” at least five times.

  4. Honestly yes it is. I mean you can put it in the back of your mind but you cannot truly know someone in two weeks. Trust me, as someone who has been in a long term relationship, I am not convinced that we ever truly “know” someone but you have to give it time for the true person to show up.

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