This sub sometimes has intellectual people who can engage in intelligent information sharing- I hope this is one of those times

Long story short: I am in the midst of the absolute worst year of my life and as a result I not only have zero sex drive and zero interest in sex and zero interest in humans / human interaction (not here to discuss that) – I actually find the mere thought of it to be repulsive

Add to it, I would never ever ever consider a coworker in anything other than a strictly professional context

I walked into a conference room for a meeting and two of the women in the room are 5-6 months pregnant. Without a single sexual thought in my head of any kind , within 5 minutes I had a raging rock hard erection. WTF ? Is that a hormone thing? I haven’t been hard in weeks because of the horrible toxic stress in my life

Again, I don’t like these women – I respect them immensely as colleagues but there is no desire of any kind whatsoever


  1. Unwanted / poorly timed “wood” is not just a problem for 16 year old boys; it can happen to anyone at any time. Don’t read too much into it and just carry on with your professional relationship.

  2. did you recently experience any hair growth on your upper lip or face? have you noticed any changes in the way your armpits smell, or perhaps underwent and vocal changes? 🤭

    sorry, seriously tho… maybe you caught some pheromones or something. have you even noticed an attraction to pregnant women in the past?

  3. no matter how attractive she is, i can personally never be attracted to a pregnant woman unless we’re together

    so congrats, either a new fetish or something related to hornones

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